Workshop successfully held during IEEE VTC Spring 2023 conference

5GRAIL partners succesfully organised and held a workshop during the IEEE VTC Spring 2023 conference on the 20/06/2023 titled “5G for Railways – Challenges and Opportunities for Operational and Passenger Connectivity”. The workshop has been co-chaired by Marion Berbineau (Université Gustave Eiffel), Friederike Maier (DB Netz) and Nazih Salhab (SNCF-Réseau) and featured three keynote speeches and 9 paper presentations. Amongst the interesting papers that were presented, two focused on the 5GRAIL project, which can be downloaded here:

Train Antenna Requirements, Design and Integration for 5GRAIL project

Experimental Trials for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System in 5GRail Project

The 5GRAIL partners would like to thank all the participants that attended the workshop, with a special thanks to our Project Officer, Mr. Jorge PEREIRA, for his enlightening Keynote focusing on Connected and Automated Mobility for Rail.