5GRAIL at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023

The 5GRAIL project was represented by Léo Mendiboure from Universite Gustave Eiffel during the special session organised at the EuCNC & 6G Summit 2023 in Gothenburg on the 7 June 2023. This was the perfect occasion to discuss about CAM (Connected Automated Mobility) services and how to ensure a seamless 5G continuity in Europe, particularly whilst crossing the border between the coverage areas.

This special session brought together experts from the ICT-53 and the recently concluded ICT-18 Automotive Projects, along with a representative from the European Commission (DG CONNECT).

The ICT-53: 5G for CAM projects (5G-Blueprint, 5GMED, 5GRoutes, 5GRAIL) focussed on the validation of the latest available 5G specifications in the context of innovative CAM applications under realistic conditions and seamlessly functioning across borders from technical (5G network coverage, 5G performances, validation of the network coverage in support of the selected use cases), business and governance (e.g. national spectrum licence vs harmonized framework in EU for seamless roaming) perspectives.

The ongoing activities in ICT-53 projects leverage on the results of the recently concluded ICT-18 Automotive Projects (5G MOBIX, 5G-CroCo, 5GCARMEN) in terms of research, implementation, and demonstration of refined 5G solutions for CAM.

The challenges encountered by the different project partners were discussed, along with the applied solutions to overcome them, and the lessons learned were outlined.